Stop buying overpriced bags of potato chips and start making your own at home. These Baked Potato Chips are easy to make and taste delicious.
My family likes potato chips, but I hardly ever buy them. Chips are definitely not a healthy snack since they are fried. It is also expensive to buy a bag of chips that only contains a small amount of chips inside. I decided to make my own potato chips at home for a cheaper and healthier version. Making Baked Potato Chips are very easy to make especially if you have a mandolin slicer. You just need to clean the potatoes and slice them into 1/8 inch slices. Then toss the potato slices in olive oil and season with salt. Place the potato slices on a tray and bake in the oven until crispy. It’s that easy and they taste delicious. Your family will love these Baked Potato Chips as a snack or to eat with their sandwich at lunch….